The Shelburne Historical Society is a not-for-profit, charitable organization, and as such, relies on several revenue streams to carry out its mandate.
The Society welcomes individual donations from residents and visitors who appreciate the important preservation and interpretive work carried out on Shelburne’s historic waterfront.
Please consider donating today. Your donation is tax deductible. We're a registered charity and would greatly appreciate your support.
Donations can be made in person, by cheque (payable to Shelburne Historical Society) or by e-transfer to
Contact us if you would like a tax receipt for your donation.
For information about donating documents or artefacts, contact
Make a Bequest
Charitable bequests are gifts that can be made as part of a will or trust to a not-for-profit organization such as the Shelburne Historical Society.
A charitable bequest is a selfless way to create an enduring legacy that will have a long-term impact on the preservation and promotion of the rich and continually evolving heritage of Shelburne County.
Please consider a charitable bequest to the Society in your estate planning.